You May Be Losing Your SaaS Money through Positioning. Here’s Why.
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October 26, 2023

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This article is for SaaS businesses that forgot who they are.
Or never even knew who they were to begin with.
There are more of them than you think.
Maybe you are one of them?
There is no shame in that. In fact, it’s an understandable struggle: you create a product to fill a gap in the market, you start developing it, implementing new features, finding out more uses to it than you thought, and soon, you don’t even know how, it becomes all overwhelming, your messaging is not clear anymore, your target audience fail to understand your value, and revenue growth slows down.
How did it all happen?
It happened the moment you skipped (or overlooked) one important step: defining your SaaS product positioning.
Let’s get clear on the definition of SaaS positioning first, then I’ll tell you more about how a bad positioning can become problematic and impact your revenue.
What Is SaaS Positioning?
SaaS positioning, or SaaS product positioning, is the position your company chooses on the market. It’s the angle the company takes to respond to a problem/demand, namely:
- What the company/product is
- What the company/product does
- Who it does it for
- How it does it
- How it is different from competitors.
Every SaaS company should be able to define its positioning in one sentence.
It’s clear, it’s easily comprehensible and your audience will never find itself wondering “what does this company do exactly?”

A strong positioning will help you find your target audience (and at the same time will allow your target audience to find you), your place in the market (and what differentiates you from competitors), and guide you through all your sales and marketing efforts.
It is the identity of your brand.
By keeping your positioning in mind, you will be able to communicate and market effectively as well as stay on brand in every business decision you make and in every product improvement you implement. Your SaaS product positioning is your North Star. ⭐
SaaS Positioning vs Messaging vs Narrative
Now, to avoid any confusion, let’s make things clear right away.
Your SaaS positioning, as I already explained, is the angle you take, the position of your brand, the exact spot WHERE it stands on the market.
It shouldn’t be confused with your product narrative and messaging.
👉 The product narrative is the emotional value tied to your brand. The feelings you want to attach your product to, the emotional way your customers think of your product, the WHY behind what you do.
As you can see, it is an important aspect of your branding as well — you are working with human emotions and associations, this is the pilar of your storytelling. But this deserves a separate post.
👉 Messaging directly derives from your product positioning and narrative. It it WHAT you are saying to communicate the uniqueness and problem-solving quality of your software. It comes after you have clarified your overall positioning and captures the benefits, promises, and the usefulness of your product.
After you have figured out your messaging, you can easily write any kind of copy. It starts with your website’s pages, up to the ads, emails, and your content marketing strategy.
Elena Madrigal puts it very well in one of her LinkedIn posts:

As you can see, SaaS positioning is the source of well-aligned communications, sales, and marketing.
And even if a company’s positioning is decided upstream, it would be reflected in all its messages.
Thus, you can analyze a company’s positioning simply by reading their homepage. I’m saying this because this is exactly what we are going to do in the following paragraphs.
Example of successful SaaS product positioning
A good SaaS positioning solves concrete problems for a concrete audience; an excellent SaaS positioning stands out from its competitors.
A strong SaaS positioning example would be ClickUp. This is a project management desktop app, allowing teams to work on a common online workspace.
But instead of presenting itself as simply a project management app — a very common positioning with dozens of software already claiming to solve this problem — ClickUp chooses another unique angle.
The company noticed how many teams suffer from the use of too many tools, which slows down productivity. They decided to solve this problem and sell their software as the one app that will replace all the other apps.
It is clearly communicated in its messaging, “One app to replace them all."
This directly resonates with ClickUp’s target audience, and it proves that the company understands the reality of their market.
They could have done it differently and the results would not have been the same.
“The best task management app for remote teams” → not unique enough
“The productivity app that will help your business grow” → how exactly?
“We help teams keep their projects organized” → Is it really the main problem that the target audience encounters?
See why these alternatives are not as good? Don’t worry, we will dive deeper in a minute.
How Do You Know You Have A SaaS Positioning Problem
Oftentimes, you think you have a sales/marketing problem, but actually you have a positioning problem.
How can you tell the difference?
Here are 5 signs your company’s difficulties may actually lie in your SaaS positioning.
Underperforming marketing
You have tried it all, you even accepted filming TikTok videos, but your marketing metrics are lower than ever.
It seems like you have so much trouble bringing your message out to the world.
Maybe it’s simply because your message is unclear? Or because it doesn’t resonate with anybody? (We’ll get to that soon.)
And the most frustrating: your CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) continually rises. Your ads and organic posts are competing with all the other companies claiming to do the same thing as you, and you don’t stand out enough to attract customers.
Lack of qualified leads
Even if you manage to attract leads, they are not qualified ones.
Yes, you have traffic on your blog, a lot of impressions from your promotions, but still, no conversions, no sales.
The only people who book appointments with you are not your targeted customers, and it results in a waste of time for everybody.
Low sales productivity and bad profits
Your sales team loses their time on unqualified leads, blames the marketing department for it, stresses over bad results, and feels powerless.
But stagnant profit is not always the fault of the sales people.
This is especially true if the problem is recurring, and when the sales team seems to have trouble putting a cohesive messaging together.
Unclear product strategy and development
You feel like the development of your product goes in all directions, the budget is often wasted, and there are features nobody ever uses.
Plus, you have the suspicion that you spend more in product investments than your competition.
Resources are scattered, instead of being used to build a laser precision machine able to break into the market.
Lack of cohesion and clear direction
Even your team seems to disagree when you discuss business decisions.
Without clear guidelines and a strong and stable positioning, your SaaS company risks forgetting which rules it follows and at what future it aims.
Common SaaS positioning problems
If you encounter the misfortunes listed above, you might be interested in finding out what exactly you are doing wrong.
Here is a list of common SaaS positioning problems we have noticed.
You market on features
Instead of focusing on your customer’s problems and what you can do for them, you spend your marketing efforts highlighting your product’s features.
There is nothing wrong with bragging about your amazing product, but that’s not how you are going to sell it.
People don’t care about your software’s new update or its revolutionary tools. What they care about is their own problems and how to solve them.
So stop saying “me, me, me," and start saying “you."
You can see a perfect example of a company marketing on features when visiting Pipedrive’s homepage.
The messaging above is not bad, it’s just not convincing enough.
The only understanding you get from this homepage is that you are dealing with a CRM platform that has x, y, and z features.
Nice, but how it that actionable? What does it do for me, exactly? How is it going to change my daily life?
Wouldn’t that be better if your homepage answered these questions?
Here is an example of a homepage that does it well.
As you can see, Close is another CRM solution. But this time, instead of listing its features, the company clearly shows what it can do for its public.
It talks to sales people directly and tells them concretely what advantage they will get from working with their software.
The positioning of this SaaS company results in a compelling messaging and effective marketing.
You try to be everything to everyone
Another common SaaS positioning problem, is when a software tries to be everything to everyone.
Let’s take Hubstaff, a time-tracking tool, as an example.

Right away, from its homepage, you can see how vague this app’s messaging is.
It used to be a time-tracking tool. Now, it has workforce management and productivity metrics as well. When you look at its list of features, you are close to forgetting what this software was all about in the first place.

By trying to do too much, it loses its primary concept. Instead of improving what works, Hubstaff went on enlarging its list of features, completely losing the direction of its positioning.
At the end, who is going to be interested in the product? For people who need a time tracking tool, this is too complex.
For those who need a project management software, this is not complete enough.
Instead of being everything for everybody, try to be something for somebody.
This is proof that positioning problems exist in larger companies too. Usually, these types of companies grow through outbound strategies but are unable to carry inbound marketing projects when the time comes for those.
Or, because of the lack of a clear direction, they develop features in all directions, and lose their North Star.
Without a compass, Hubstaff becomes much more vulnerable to competition.
Compare it to Toggl and its crystal clear positioning.
This software’s messaging is way more convincing, because it has found its unique angle: frictionless, painless, easy. This will immediately resonate with users who were previously annoyed by complex time tracking processes and just want to be more productive.
Everhour chose another angle — it markets the fact that it’s easy to integrate with project management software.
This SaaS positioning decision makes it very appealing to those who were looking for a way to combine time-tracking with their usual project management tools.
It touches a concrete problem users experience in their daily working life — it puts itself in their shoes.
You try to solve a problem people are not ready to pay/migrate for
When thinking about problems your software can solve, you have to consider profit.
You can’t make money out of problems that are not profitable.
Typically, those are:
- Problems for which people are not ready to pay for
- Problems for which people are not ready to migrate for.
Maybe your software is better than your competition, but if it involves migrating huge amount of data, it is not worth being reconsidered.
Nobody will ever give more than they receive. If your solution asks for a considerable amount of trouble and work, then it better be something revolutionizing the industry.
In the same way, if the problem your software solves is too minor, then it might be considered as not worth the money.
For example, nobody is going to pay for an online calculator. Yes, maybe it’s more convenient than carrying a physical calculator around or more responsive and advanced than Windows’ free calculator tool, but who would pay for that?
This type of SaaS positioning problem mainly concerns early-stage startups during the product development phase.
How You Can Fix Your SaaS Positioning
Enough of analyzing what doesn’t work, let’s find out how to fix problematic SaaS positioning.
Let’s do what others did before: find a unique position that will change your business forever.
Consider Domino’s Pizza in the 90s who decided to position itself as the one pizzeria that delivers for free in less than 30 minutes. They differentiated themselves from their competition, while providing a service that their customers actually wanted.
That’s what you need to do too.
- Find out what problems you can solve for your customers
- Find out what your competitors are not doing yet.
More specifically: You have to first gather the data about your product, your competition, and your customers, discover what problems exactly your product solves, and then only will you be able to write your brand-new SaaS positioning statement.

Discover your Unique Selling Proposition
To effectively set your product apart from the competition and attract potential customers, it's crucial to identify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) after detailing your product's features, benefits, and overall value.
The USP encapsulates the distinct value that makes your product unique and appealing to your target audience.
There are two ways you can uncover your USP:
- Competitor Analysis: Begin by researching your competitors to understand their offerings and what distinguishes your product from theirs. Identify market gaps that your product can address and devise strategies to differentiate yourself in the market.
- Emphasize Unique Features: Highlight your product's exclusive features or capabilities and direct your marketing efforts toward showcasing the associated benefits to your customers.
Use Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) to position your SaaS product
To discover why users should be interested in your product, you need to investigate their needs and problems.
To do so, you can use the Jobs-to-be-done framework.
Put yourself in your users’ shoes, and identify what jobs they need to be done.
Some of them can be small jobs (writing a welcome email), others, big jobs (doubling ARR this year).
By looking at jobs, you can focus on problems instead of people and truly connect with your audience.
Try to frame JTBD in this fashion (this technique comes from Intercom’s e-book):
“When I _____, I want to _____, so I can _____.”
This will help you to see Situation/Motivation/Outcome.
Let’s look at a real-life example.
Here is what a user that needs a chat support tool may think:
“When I see a customer that needs help, I want to provide support as fast as possible, so I can reduce my churn rate.”
By understanding this churn problem and the need to be faster in providing support, Intercom designed a chat support tool and accentuated the timing issue in their messaging.
Use customer interviews for better SaaS positioning
The problems you think your solution solves may not be the one that is actually selling your product.
Once more, here is a real life example.
When I saw Prezi’s homepage, I was really surprised.
It says that Prezi is a solution to connect and engage more.
I’ve been using Prezi for years, but to me, it’s the best tool to create original and attractive presentations.
I never thought of it as a connection tool.
More than that, this tool was recommended to me by a friend, who told me she stopped using PowerPoint and switched to Prezi because it really made her presentations look like she has spent hours designing them, and they looked really impressive.
As you can see, the value we see in that tool and the problems it solves for us are very different from the ones the company markets.
It doesn’t mean other people are not using Prezi for connection and engagement, but it is worth investigating.
And in order to do that, you need to conduct customer interviews.
The goal of customer interviews is to understand:
- What people use your product for (it may be different from what you created it for)
- What made them buy it
- What the buying process was like
- What emotional states they went through, and what triggered them.
To do this, you’ll have to:
- Find a sample of customers to interview
- Write a questionnaire/script
- Record and transcribe the interviews
- Drive parallels and conclusions.
By combining the USP, JTBD framework and customers interviews, you’ll be able to understand your winning assets and decide your unique SaaS positioning.
It’s somewhere at the intersection of what your customers want, what your product has, and what your competition doesn’t.

Write Your SaaS Product Positioning Statement
Now that you know (1) what your product’s unique attributes are, (2) what problems it solves, and (3) who it solves these problems for, you can write your positioning statement.
Your SaaS product positioning statement shouldn’t be longer than 2-3 lines, and it should clearly communicate the three elements above.
Examples of good SaaS positioning statements:
- “We are an easy-to-use idea management software that helps enterprises foster a culture of innovation”
- “We are a time-tracking software that helps freelancers track and bill their working time in the most easy and frictionless way”
- “We are an all-in-one LMS software that helps enterprises build their own highly-customized internal employee training platform”
Ideally, your SaaS positioning will help you differentiate in at least one of these ways:
- With your target audience (example: your solution is made for freelancers)
- With your pricing (example: your solution is cheaper than the rest of the market)
- With your quality (example: you are a premium SaaS solution)
- With your features (example: your solution is all-in-one)
- With your customer experience (example: your solution is extra easy to use)
Once you figured out your positioning statement, you can now align all your business and marketing decision to this one sentence.
That’s it. You are ready to benefit from a well-aligned SaaS positioning. 🙂
SaaS Positioning, the FAQs
Yes. When you’ve grown your SaaS business through outbound strategies, you actually can have a positioning problem that reveals itself when you shift your focus to inbound.
No, product positioning comes before messaging. First, you decide what your product’s positioning is (problems it solves), then you find ways to express it (the messaging).
The best SaaS positioning strategy is to use the Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework in tandem with customer interviews/research to find out your customer’s problems, then based on this data, conceptualize your unique SaaS positioning that will be reflected in all your sales, marketing, and product growth efforts.
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